The East African Tea Trade Association is appealing to tea farmers across the country to focus on producing higher quality tea rather than simply going for volume. Watch video here.
Member Countries
Teas Sold In Tons
Value in Billions
The East African Tea Trade Association is a voluntary organization bringing together Tea Producers, Buyers (Exporters), Brokers, Tea Packers and Warehouses, all working to promote the best interests of the Tea Trade in Africa. Currently, membership comprises over three hundred companies extending across the East and Central African borders. EATTA mandated to promote and facilitate the interests of all the stakeholders in the tea trade in Africa by creating an enabling business environment geared towards maintaining global standards and delivering tea products to the customers in the most profitable way.
Vision: To be the leading tea trade association globally
Mission: To facilitate a world class trading platform for African teas and provide sustainable service to members.
Promotion of orderly sale of tea among members in Africa through facilitation of the Mombasa Tea Auction operations and ensuring compliance with the constitution.
To lobby regulatory and statutory bodies in member countries to create an enabling business environment for our members along the value chain.
To facilitate effective access to market and other relevant industry trade information.
To compile and circulate statistical information to assist members in their operations.
The East African Tea Trade Association is appealing to tea farmers across the country to focus on producing higher quality tea rather than simply going for volume. Watch video here.
The East Africa Tea Trade Association (EATTA) was privileged to host Members of Parliament from Uganda for a high-level discussion...
The East Africa Tea Trade Association (EATTA) is proud to announce that we have been honored with the Best Use...
Vote! Vote! Vote!Less than a minute under the listed category:1. MOST INNOVATIVE BUSINESS2. BEST BUSINESS IN CUSTOMER CARE3. BEST USE...
We were honored to host Principal Secretary Kipronoh Ronoh Paul from the State Department of Agriculture, along with governors, to...
The 6th Africa Tea Convention was more than just an event – it was a platform for growth, collaboration, and...
The East Africa Tea Trade Association (EATTA) is thrilled to share the September issue of The Tea Junction, our flagship...
This year the EATTA Annual Sports Day took place on the 17th of August at the Mombasa Sports Club. This...
EATTA members recently held a consultative meeting with the Principal Secretary of the State Department for Agriculture. The discussion focused...
We are pleased to offer an early bird discount to those who register and make payment by Wednesday, 31st July...
A collaborative session between EATTA's Board and management, alongside representatives from the US Senate and trade officials, convened
A contingent of EATTA Board members recently participated in the Asia Africa Tea Alliance meeting, addressing the sustainability challenges facing...
The EATTA Board of Directors recently engaged in productive discussions with US trade representatives. The focus of this engagement was...
Join Us at the 6th Africa Tea Convention & Exhibition in Kigali, Rwanda!
Invitation to International Tea Day 2024 Celebrations - A global toast to tea
The Tea Board of Tanzania convened with the East African Tea Trade Association (EATTA) board in a formal meeting to...