Africa Tea Convention and Exhibition 2024
Harmony in a cup; promoting tea for people and planet
9TH - 11TH October 2024
Kigali Conference & Exhibition Village
Kigali, Rwanda

Latest News

East Africa Tea Trade Association once again invites you to the most iconic tea event held in Africa . The 3rd Africa Tea Convention and Exhibition.

An  excellent panel of speakers will be on hand to ensure the convention will be one of the most important events you attend in 2016.

3rd  African Tea Convention - Leaning Forward Through Innovation

26th - 28th October 2016
Leisure Lodge Beach & Golf Resort
Diani, Kenya 

1.0. MEETING BETWEEN Kenya Revenue Authority and  EATTA

In the last update from the secretariat we informed you that we had written to KRA seeking an appointment to raise concerns on various issues of concern to the tea industry.  We obtained an appointment for 20th March 2013 and together with a few members of the trade, we went and met with the Senior Deputy Commissioner for Southern Region as well the Line Managers responsible for issues of concern to the tea industry.

The issues discussed in the meeting were;

  • Delay in cancellation of VAT bonds
  • Delay in reactivating archived T 810 forms
  • Lack of staff to release customs holds of containers

The outcome of our discussion was as follows:

Delay in cancellation of VAT bonds

Some of our members have been following up with KRA for cancellation of bonds going back 7 years. KRA informed the people in the meeting that part of the problem maybe exporters who fill the certificates of exports documents manually instead of the required online process. The Deputy Commissioner in charge of port operations committed to look into the matter and in a further follow up meeting held on Thursday 4th April 2013 a way was found to sort out the outstanding bond cancellation for one of our members.

1.0. Meeting Between Kenya Revenue Authority and  EATTA

In the last update from the secretariat we informed you that we had written to KRA seeking an appointment to raise concerns on various issues of concern to the tea industry.  We obtained an appointment for 20th March 2013 and together with a few members of the trade, we went and met with the Senior Deputy Commissioner for Southern Region as well the Line Managers responsible for issues of concern to the tea industry.

The issues discussed in the meeting were;

  • Delay in cancellation of VAT bonds
  • Delay in reactivating archived T 810 forms
  • Lack of staff to release customs holds of containers

The outcome of our discussion was as follows:

a). Delay in cancellation of VAT bonds

Some of our members have been following up with KRA for cancellation of bonds going back 7 years. KRA informed the people in the meeting that part of the problem maybe exporters who fill the certificates of exports documents manually instead of the required online process. The Deputy Commissioner in charge of port operations committed to look into the matter and in a further follow up meeting held on Thursday 4th April 2013 a way was found to sort out the outstanding bond cancellation for one of our members.

 East Africa Tea Trade Association  and TMEA East Africa Inaugurated a Capacity building initiative of Tea Industries in East Africa to implement recognized International Standards(Food Safety Management Systems)

The East Africa Tea Trade Association is excited about this partnership with TradeMark East Africa which is expected to build the capacity of the tea industry in East Africa.

The annual Kenya Taxpayers week was officially opened on Monday 17th, at the KRA times towers ground. The event was opened by the Kenya’s finance Minister, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, who thanked the taxpayers for their continued support and compliance to tax regulations, pointing out that the taxpayers’ week was a clear demonstration of the positive mutual partnership enjoyed by KRA and the taxpayers which has seen the increase in tax collection since the inauguration of the event in 2003. He commended the taxpayers for actively contributing to the government’s development programs and assured citizens that the government was working to stabilize the economy.

Africa Tea Convention and ExhibitionThe East African Tea Trade Association is delighted to announce the 2nd Africa Tea Convention & Exhibition will be held  on 28th - 30th August 2013 at the Kigali Serena Hotel - Kigali, Rwanda. This will be the second Tea Convention & Exhibition to be organized by East Africa Tea Trade Association and it is expected to be a global event for tea industry. The 1st event was very successful and was attended by major tea importers and consumers of the African tea all over the globe

The latest of SORWATHE’s many achievements is being adjudged the BEST OVERALL EXIBITOR 2010 at the 13th Annual Rwanda Trade Fair 2010 held recently and seen in the photo is Mr Cally Alles – Director General just after receiving the trophy.

At the beginning of 2010, Sorwathe was also adjudged as “Investor of the Year for 2009” at the prestigious Rwanda Development Board awards. This award which many aspire to achieve was based on the profitability, forward and backward linkages with local SME’s, job creation, demonstration of Innovation and Technology transfer, Corporate Social Responsible projects, being a role model and reinvestment into business to sustain growth. In addition to this main award we were placed as second runner-up in the “Exporter of the year-2009” category.

SORWATHE is currently the only ISO 22000:2005 and FAIRTRADE certified, ETHICAL TEA PARTNERSHIP participant and RBS – (Rwanda Bureau of Standards) product certified. It is also ISO 9001:2008 certified.

Sorwathe has many first time achievements in Rwanda, the main are as follows. We are the first to build a New Orthodox Tea Factory in Rwanda which is automated and could manufacture both Orthodox and Green Tea. In addition to this we have introduced technology to the Tea industry in Rwanda such as Fluid Bed Driers, Invertors, 3T Stalk Extractors, Enclosed troughs etc. We are also converting 116 hectares of tea into Organic Tea which is another first in the Tea Industry of Rwanda.

Tea Tourism is another of our projects and we have our Guest House with a panoramic view. We have introduced field and factory tours to those who are interested in learning more about Tea.

Sorwathe produces Black and Green Tea, both CTC and Orthodox and White Tea. Currently it is “In Conversion” for Organic. The Annual production is around 3 million kilos of Black Tea which is 15% of Rwanda’s production. In 2007 Sorwathe produced 3.66 million kgs of Black Tea.

East African Tea Trade Association is the premier body representing the interests of tea producers, tea buyers, tea brokers, tea packers and tea warehouses. EATTA has 167 members in 9 countries in Africa. EATTA runs the Mombasa tea auction that is the second largest tea auction in the world after the Colombo auction. Of the tea exported globally, 32% passes through the Mombasa auction.

The auction has grown by a remarkable 300% in the past 20 years, by offering teas from all the member countries. The tea task force report of 2007 made specific recommendations based on challenges facing the industry. EATTA has identified four areas that need urgent address by the Government of Kenya;

EATTA donates tea to Pakistan disaster relief effort

The tea trade in Mombasa made a donation of 10,300 kilograms of tea to the people of Pakistan on 3rd November 2010 at the EATTA Secretariat after the suffering and devastation caused by the recent floods and heavy rains. The tea was packed in water tight 5 kilogram bags. This donation is made in recognition of the good trade relations between the Association members and the great people of Pakistan. The good relationship was exemplified recently by the visit of the High Commissioner of Pakistan to Kenya HE Masroor Jumenjo in April 2010 to EATTA.

The 2010 Pakistan floods began in July 2010 following heavy monsoon rains in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh, Punjab and Baluchistan regions and affected the Indus River basin. At one point, approximately one-fifth of Pakistan's total land area was underwater. The floods directly affected about 20 million people, mostly by destruction of property, livelihood and infrastructure, with a death toll of close to 2,000.

Pakistan is an important market of East Africa. Pakistan buys all our grades of tea unlike other markets that buy particular grades. The Pakistan market being predominantly Islamic, takes tea as the beverage of choice. Many of our important tea markets are seasonal in the tea they purchase from the auction so that in some months demand for tea goes down; therefore Pakistan’s demand consistent throughout the year making it an ideal market.

EATTA in Conjunction with SGS Kenya conducted a three (3) day training on Quality Management System ISO-9001:2008 - Awareness and Internal Auditor Training. It targeted  EATTA membership category of tea Buyers and Brokers. The training was held on  6th - 8th October 2010 at EATTA Secretariat.

A record 26 participants attended the the training for the three days. Workshop participants were drawn from different buying and brokers houses within the tea trade. This marks a major milestone in the quest to have EATTA members achieve ISO certification standards.


Expression of Interest

For: Design, Development, Implementation and Commissioning of Electronic Auction system

Ref. EOI/IT-EATTA/01/2010

Date September 2010

Download copy of EOI

Background of EATTA

The East African Tea Trade Association (EATTA) is an association body established in 1957 to market tea to the rest of the world through the Mombasa Tea Auction, facilitate effective access to market and other relevant industry information, and promote industry interests rough proactive lobbying and advocacy measures. EATTA has been undergoing major strategic change in all areas including its Business Processes and Service Delivery.

EATTA has conducted a Feasibility study to guide its Business Process Re-engineering process.

EATTA is now looking for partners to implement a Distributed system to support it’s Reengineering process to E-auction.


EATTA wants to engage a competent IT vendor/ firms with experience in turn-key solutions towards the development and installation of a distributed IT solution with the view to automate the Tea trading procedures with special interest in E-auction.

The software system should enable member of the tea trade to conduct auctions online, buy/sell tea products on retail, offer payment settlement, generate statistical reports,

A company can present a proposal for either:

i. Software solution–Distributed system available via web with the following components:

a. Enterprise database solution preferably Oracle database

b. E-auction module

c. E-commerce platform

d. Banking module for settlement & disbursement

ii. Hardware and Infrastructure solution

a. Data centre with off-shore backup capabilities

iii. Both software and hardware & infrastructure solution 

All of the above solution will be as an outsourced service by EATTA and a firm can present aproposal to carry out the project either on its own or in conjunction with her subsidiaries or partners.


The bidders are required to submit their EoIs in the following indicative format:

General Organization Capacity

  1. Organization legally established
  2. Organization registered / accredited in Kenya or in any other state
  3. Appropriateness of Organizations Mandate and/or Mission
  4. Organization’s oversight / governance structures
  5. Current staff that are permanent and with relevant experience base to support the
  6. implementation of the IT project (programming, monitoring, reporting, finance,procurement, logistics, etc.)
  7. Outsourced personnel for specific assignments and their roles
  8. Proposed partnership arrangements (i.e. partnerships with local service providers where need be)

Technical Capacity

  1. Demonstrated technical capacity of the organization
  2. Availability of in-house technical skills
  3. Demonstrated ability to achieve results
  4. Demonstrate Business Continuity plans
  5. Demonstrate Disaster Recovery structures in place

Experience of Organization in IT turn-key Solutions

  1. Demonstrate technical capacity to successfully manage the project, based on experience on similar projects
  2. Demonstrate experience on projects of similar scope and scale.
  3. Demonstrate experience or understanding of auction systems
  4. The EOIs will be evaluated based on the information provided and shortlisted firms will be issued with Request for Proposals (RFP)

Reputable Consultants are invited to express interest for Consultancy service and installation of the system. Interested firms MUST provide any relevant information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services through submittal of (Profiles, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff,

Submission of EOIs

Interested vendors should submit their EOI document on or before 24th September, 2010 by

5.00 pm. The EOI document should be addressed to:

The Managing Director,

East African Tea Trade Association,

P. O. Box 85174 80100,


Download copy of EOI


East African Tea Trade Association organized a Tea Quality & Processing Workshop on  the 14th and 16th  October, 2010 in Kericho at the Tea Research Foundation of Kenya.

The workshop was officially opened by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of EATTA - Mr. Nelson Orgut. The participants had been drawn from Kenya, Rwanda, Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda. The facilitator of this training was be Prof. Martin Obanda a renowned Tea scientist with the Tea Research Foundation of Kenya.

The world Tea & Coffee ExchangeSM in conjunction with EATTA conducted a webinar on a practical demostration of an e-auction on Wednesday 21st July 2010. The webinar was conducted with presenters in differents states in America between 4.00 P.M - 6.30 P.M East African Time.


To showcase the functions of e-auction through a practical session where members participate in real-time

Participants: EATTA Members, although the most represented were buyers, brokers and warehousemen.

Presenters: Mike Maigua, Charity and the team from WTCEX in USA

Areas covered

The webinar presentation covered the following areas:-

  1. Advantages of e-auction
  2. WTCEX understanding of the EATTA and tea industry
  3. Electronic payment
  4. Trading platform
  5. Retail market segment for value added products
  6. Practical participation
  7. Questions and answers

Members had a chance to try out practically buying teas on an online system, the bidding was alot of fun as participants tried to outbid the other buyers. Members then had a chance to ask the presenters their questions and got clarifications on different functions of the WTCEX system.

Though there were some teething challenges at the start of the webinar, the event was a success and members have been requesting for another presentation as they get to understand how online systems work.

This is a first presentation cum workshop in a series of workshops that will be held by EATTA as part of the Business Re-engineering process towards full automation of the auction process.

To try out the WTCEX system kinldy log on and go to trading platform, you will need to register either as a buyer, seller or warehouse for demo purposes. Use your mobile number so that you can get notifications when you bid or complete a transcation.

FSMS - ISO 22000 Awareness / Internal auditor training - July 2010 

EATTA in Conjunction with SGS Kenya conducted a three (3) day training on Food safety Management (FSM) ISO-22000 awareness and internal auditor training. The training targeted members in the tea warehouses.

A record 30 participants attended the the training for the three days. Workshop participants were drawn from different warehouses within the tea trade. This marks a major milestone in the quest to have EATTA members achieve ISO certification standards.

The newly appointed Kenyan ambassadors visited the EATTA and the tea trade in mombsa on Tuesday 13th July 2010. The 15 ambassadors who will represent Kenya in various foreign missions visited the EATTA, where they had a meeting with the EATTA management and Board Members.

They later visited the Mombasa Tea Auction to experience first hand the trading at one of the biggest International tea auctions in the world. Later they visited warehouses, and buyer members.

EATTA has been invited by the Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture to present its case about the Tea Amendment Bill (2010) populary known as the Kones Bill. EATTA has been invited together with KTDA the only two bodies that have expressed opposition to the Bill and forwarded their petitions to the Clerk of the National Assembly.

The Bills Committe on Agriculture will meet on Monday 28th June 2010 at 2.00 p.m., EATTA delegation will be led by Mr. Brian Ngwiri (Marketing Manager) and the advocay consultants (AGSEC Consultants).

EATTA has several objections to this Bill and will use this case to further the interest of the tea trade.

KRA REVERSES DIRECTIVE ON EXPORT ENTRIES DOCUMENT. The directive from Kenya Revenue Authority requiring export entries to have the container number has been reversed. The Commissioner of Customs Services was in Mombasa last week and she committed that as a permanent solution tea exporters will not be required to fill in the container number when lodging the C17B form. You can start lodging your export entries and if you encounter a problem get in touch with the secretariat.

Kephis have agreed to reduce the inspection charges for teas with multiple custom entries going to one consignee from Kshs. 20,000 to 10,000. For purposes of this levy, multiple custom entries consist of more than one. Whilst it would have been better if the charge was reduced back to the Kshs. 5000, Kephis MD (Dr. Onsando) said that the gazette notice authorizing the increment was first published in 2001 and it has been pending implementation since then. According to the Kephis MD, the increase in the charge was as a result of their cost of operations increasing significantly without commensurate increase in support from the government. This is a matter that EATTA will take up with the government. The Kephis MD requested for an opportunity to meet the tea trade in Mombasa in an open forum to discuss concerns the trade may have with the organisation. EATTA will organise a forum very soon that the Kephis team will come to familiarize themselves with the Mombasa tea auction.

This development is a positive one achieved after alot of consultations and lobbying by EATTA. We strive to continue the advocacy agenda on behalf of the tea trade in eliminating bottlenecks that hinder the smooth running of the trade.

Appointment of Phil Mumby - Consultant Pro-invest

The European Union through Pro-invest has appointed Mr. Phil Mumby as the consultant who will work with EATTA for the Strategy Implementation plan. This is a 7 months project funded by pro-invest whose specific objective is to provide technical assistance to support the tea sector by enhancing EATTA members capacities for value added tea products, marketing, promotion activities and business linkages.

The programme is meant to benefit member countries of the EATTA and improve the position of the African tea in the global market.

Phil Mumby holds a Bsc. Hons Food Science & Agricultural Economics from Reading University UK and has over 30 years experience in the tea industry. He works as an independent consultant in tea issues.

Phil has worked with Ringtons Ltd, Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) where he is the founding Director and its Interim chair. He has also worked with Premier Brands and held various Board positions besides working for Cadbury Typhoo where he began his career as a tea taster, buyer and blender.

Phil visited the EATTA Secretariat on Monday 7th June 2010 and met with the EATTA Management led by the MD Dr. Kipkirui Arap Lang'at and had healthy discussions with the team to get a better understanding on the expectations of the project. 

EATTA welcomes Mr. Phil Mumby and wish his all the best and support to ensure the success of this project. We will keep you updated on the developments about this project as they unfold.


EATTA Press release by the New Chairman Mr. Nelson Orgut

East Africa Tea Trade Association 53rd Annual General Meeting

26th March 2010

Welcome to this press briefing. I am the new Chairman of the new company the East Africa Tea Trade Association. I am very proud to have been elected today. We are navigating uncharted territories but with the board that has been constituted today that combines long experience and new energy and vibrancy, we are more than a match for the opportunities and challenges that we will come across.

Last year the tea prices were the best they have in a decade. Tea sold at an average of $ 2.82 per kilo globally. Some 279 million kilograms of tea was sold through the Mombasa tea auction. Of this- Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Uganda sold 97% of the quantities. The auction remains an important medium for the tea trade in Africa. This is a time of renewed optimism for our members. Coupled with this is the birth of the new EATTA.

The secretariat has made important headway in the implementation of the strategic plan. The year was eventful with the appointment of a Managing Director as well as functional heads to operations and marketing. The expectation of the membership is that a fully staffed and empowered secretariat will be better positioned to address the interests of its members. The members have today appointed a board of 13 directors consisting of five producer members – two from Kenya and one each from Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda, three buyers, one member each representing brokers, packers and warehouses and an independent director.

The broad objectives of EATTA include

  • Reengineering the Mombasa tea auction system to speed up cycle times and reduce costs by implementing a 24/7 online trading system.
  • Becoming the definitive source of tea trade information and statistics
  • Driving the identity of and growth in demand for African teas
  • Building stronger linkages with policy makers as well as other local, regional and global stakeholders

As part of the resolutions of today our members have adopted the new articles of association recognizing EATTA as a company limited by guarantee to substitute the existing ones for EATTA as a society. Our members also adopted the new EATTA rule book. A major component of which is introducing the new electronic tea payment system. This system will provide reassurance to producers and brokers that they get paid the proceeds of the sale of their teas efficiently. Members have approved the system and it will now run as a parallel system to the previous auction trading system so that the members have a choice on the system to use.

As part of efforts to modernize the auction so as to make it efficient and to reduce the cycle time, an ambitious plan to automate the Mombasa auction is in the works.  As part of the process IT consultants were commissioned to carry out a feasibility study that will guide the implementation of the project. The Feasibility study will provide the basis for the way forward. Our aim is to make the auction open and accessible 24/7 which will significantly reduce the cycle time from the current two weeks.

EATTA is working with relevant authorities on harmonizing and enhancing the tea industry standards in line with global trends. We have set as goals to have our members seek   principal standards; ISO 22000:2005 (Food Safety management system) and Quality management System (QMS) certification that will enable us continue to maintain the high reputation that we are recognized for. Last week the secretariat organised a highly successful food safety standards and certification workshop for our members.

Identifying new markets is an integral part of the EATTA mandate. In this regard EATTA has secured funding from the EU to develop capacity in our members to better market tea in existing markets as well as new products for the existing markets.  EATTA has joined the International Tea Committee as associates where we can access up to date statistics and information to share with our members.

We are also driving a taskforce set up together with, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Agriculture, Tea Research Foundation and Tea Board of Kenya on intellectual property value capture for tea that has the potential to significantly enhance the price we negotiate when selling our tea. The initiative has started in Kenya and will be extended to our other member countries.

Tea is an important foreign exchange earner for each of our member countries. We feel that going forward we will get the appropriate level of coverage. This is a beginning of a new level of engagement.

For more information

Dr. Kipkirui Arap Lang’at OGW

Managing Director

East Africa Tea Trade Association

041 2228460 / 041 2220093

Tea Trade Centre


The Chairman's speech as delivered during the 53rd Annual General meeting of East African Tea Trade Association.

Chairman’s report at the 53rd Annual General Meeting of East Africa Tea Trade Association

26th March 2010

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen. On behalf of EATTA, I would like to welcome you all to the 53rd annual general meeting of the association.

Eatta participated in the 3rd Global Dubai Tea forum and Mr. Brian Ngwiri Marketing Manager EATTA brings you the keynote activities and events during this successful conference in the Tea Industry.

This year more than 300 delegates attended the event.  EATTA was represented by its Managing Director Dr. Kipkirui Arap Lang’at and the Marketing Manager Mr. Brian Ngwiri. While at the forum EATTA made very important contacts that we intend to develop and make use of for the benefit of our members. More on this will be shared later.

Recent Updates

Membership & Affiliation

Kenya Chamber of Commerce
Federation of Kenya Employers
International Tea Committee

EATTA is ISO 9001:2015 Certified.

EATTA is ISO 9001:2015 Certified


Mon - Fri 8.00 AM - 5.00 PM

Tel: +254 41 2228460 / 2220093 / 2312336
Cell: +254 733 208700/ 722 208699
Fax: +254 41 2225823

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