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AGC Baby Center

The AGC Baby Center fronted by Kuresoi Tea Factory Limited. This is a charitable institution that exists to rescue babies between the ages of 0-4yrs old who have been abandoned, orphaned, or are facing violence and offer them a temporary home before they are adopted into homes or placed into foster care. The institution relies entirely on donations from churches and well-wishers for the provisions of the needs of these babies. Most of these children come from the tea growing areas of Kericho, Bomet and Nakuru and regrettably, some have been found abandoned in the tea plantations of these areas.

The baby centre proposed to use our donation to support its construction of a new facility to house special needs children who are not easily adopted and issue further support to the children who have not been adopted or absorbed into foster care but are beyond age 4.

We donated a total of KES 220,000 to The AGC Baby Centre in support of their construction of the new special needs building.

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