Tea Producers
These are companies involved in the planting, farming, harvesting and production of tea.

Tea Brokers
Tea Brokers who auction in the Mombasa Tea represent producers who are located in different member countries. Collectively, the brokers form the Tea Brokers' Association, which functions under the Constitution Rules and Regulations of the East African Tea Trade Association (EATTA).

Tea Buyers
Companies involved in buying tea, either in auction or by private sale, for the purpose of exporting that tea to various tea consuming countries around the world. This category also includes Buyers trading in the domestic market.

Tea Packers
Companies involved in buying teas for the purposes of blending in order to create diverse qualities, and then packing Into convenient smaller wed units suitable for selling through retail outlets.

Tea Warehouses
The Warehouseman's function, in keeping physical custody of the tea, is to safeguard the interests of both the Producer and the Buyer. In this respect, the Warehouseman acts at one time as the agent of the Producer and at another time the Buyer's agent.

Associate Member