EATTA Board of Directors

EATTA Extends Support to Kenya Cerebral Palsy Support Group with Diaper Donation

In a heartfelt gesture, the East African Tea Trade Association has contributed to the well-being of the Kenya Cerebral Palsy Support Group by donating a significant quantity of diapers to support children and individuals with cerebral palsy.

Understanding the challenges faced by the Kenya Cerebral Palsy Support Group and recognizing the importance of community involvement, the East African Tea Trade Association aims to make a positive impact on the lives of those affected by cerebral palsy.

EATTA remains committed to supporting local communities and organizations dedicated to providing care, advocacy, and resources for individuals with special needs.

This donation reflects our commitment to social responsibility and the well-being of our community. We believe in making a positive impact beyond the boundaries of our industry, and supporting the Kenya Cerebral Palsy Support Group aligns perfectly with our values.

The Kenya Cerebral Palsy Support Group expressed gratitude for the thoughtful contribution, emphasizing the significance of such collaborations in fostering a compassionate and inclusive society.

This partnership between EATTA and the Kenya Cerebral Palsy Support Group exemplifies the positive outcomes that can arise when industries actively engage with and support the diverse needs of their local communities.

Primary Functions

The primary functions of the association are:

  • To facilitate the Mombasa Tea Auction operations Maintain discipline in the trade by ensuring compliance with the constitution.
  • To promote the best interests of the Tea Trade in Africa.
  • To compile and circulate statistical information to assist members in their operations.
  • To help solve trade problems affecting members collectively.
  • To organize social and educational programmes for members.


Membership & Affiliation

Kenya Chamber of Commerce
Federation of Kenya Employers
International Tea Committee
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