To ensure that the children have a safe and clean environment in which to carry out their studies, EATTA partnered with SDZ CHA SARL of Mozambique to repair and maintain the government run school on the property.
The broad objectives of EATTA are:
Specifically, the objectives are as follows:
The East African Tea Trade Association is a voluntary organization bringing together Tea Producers, Buyers (Exporters), Brokers, Tea Packers and Warehouses, all working to promote the best interests of the Tea Trade in Africa. Currently, membership comprises over three hundred companies extending across the East and Central African borders. EATTA mandated to promote and facilitate the interests of all the stakeholders in the tea trade in Africa by creating an enabling business environment geared towards maintaining global standards and delivering tea products to the customers in the most profitable way.
Vision: Best Value for African Tea in the Global Market.
Mission: To facilitate the sustainable growth of the tea sector of Africa through the operation of an efficient and effective trading platform, strong representation of the industry, and effective service delivery to our membership.
The primary functions of the association are:
The primary functions of the association are:
EATTA’s Board, Management and Members respect and demonstrate strong governance, professionalism and positive behaviours in all aspects of our operations
EATTA’s Board, Executive and Members operate at all times in an open, honest and accountable manner
Our members’ interests – individually and through the Sub Associations – are the central priority for EATTA in terms of representation and the development of products and services for members
EATTA seeks to add value and innovate across all of our services to our membership, and to achieve consistently high levels of member satisfaction
EATTA works with our members and stakeholders to achieve a sustainable and growing tea sector value chain in Africa